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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

This script loads an R object computed via the preprocessData method and runs a standard Weighted Gene Co-expression Network Analysis on it. This involves clustering probes based on their correlation scores into modules. First, make sure the necessary libraries are loaded.


Load the preprocessed R data for donor 9861.


WGCNA recommends applying a soft threshold to the correlation matrix used for network analysis. The following code will help pick a soft threshold, the output of which led to choosing a power of 10.
powers = c(6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) pickSoftThreshold(datExpr,networkType=“signed”,powerVector=powers)

thresholdPower = 10

Run the blockwiseModules method, which does all of the WGCNA analysis in one step. The data set is very large, so the analysis will require at least 6GB of memory. blockwiseModules can be run on separate blocks of genes, however after parallel analysis it must attempt to merge the modules it finds together. For simplicity, the following takes a random 10000 genes and runs blockwiseModules on all of those genes at once.

numRows = 10000
datExprR = datExpr[sample(1:nrow(datExpr), numRows, replace=FALSE),]
net = blockwiseModules(t(datExprR),power=thresholdPower,networkType="signed",maxBlockSize=numRows)

Plot the cluster results. The plot will show a dendrogram resulting from agglomerative gene clustering. That dendrogram is then segmented into modules, the colors of which are shown below the dendrogram.

moduleColorsAutomatic = labels2colors(net$colors)
mColors = moduleColorsAutomatic[net$blockGenes[[1]]]

plotDendroAndColors(net$dendrograms[[1]], colors=mColors, dendroLabels=FALSE, 
                    groupLabels=c("Module colors"), addGuide=TRUE,
                    main="H0351.2001 Cluster Dendrogram")

Plot the principal module eigengene. This is the expression pattern that represents the majority of the variance within the data. In this case, it roughly depicts differential expression between cortical and subcortical structures.

module = 1
me = net$MEs[[module]]

Sort the downloaded order values to build a sample index order.

order = order(sampleInfo$order)
color = sampleInfo$color

Generate the plot.

barplot(me[order], col=color[order], border=NA, 
        main="First Module Eigengene Expression Pattern")

Save both figures to a PDF as well.

pdf("9861.pdf", width=6, height=3, pointsize=8)

plotDendroAndColors(net$dendrograms[[1]], colors=mColors, dendroLabels=FALSE, 
                    groupLabels=c("Module colors"), addGuide=TRUE,
                    main="H0351.2001 Cluster Dendrogram")
barplot(me[order], col=color[order], border=NA, 
        main="First Module Eigengene Expression Pattern")