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Get a list of the top n probes that are differentially expressed between contrast vs. target structures and correlate them with an spm activation map.

function [corrs,samples] = expression_spm_correlation(target_ids, contrast_ids, activation_file, mask_file, n, specimen)

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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

[ids, fcs] = differential_search(target_ids, contrast_ids, n);

[samples, explevels] = download_expression(ids, [specimen.donor_id]);

corrs = correlate_to_spm(activation_file, mask_file, samples, explevels, specimen.alignment3d);

Do a differential search (contrast vs target) and retrieve the top n probes from the results.

function [ids,fold_changes] = differential_search(target_ids, contrast_ids, n)

The service::human_microarray differential set indicates that the differential search should take place on the human microarray data.

service = get_api_path();
requestFmt = '%s/query.json?criteria=service::human_microarray_differential[sort_by$eq''fold-change''][structures1$in%s][structures2$in%s][num_rows$eq%d]';
ids = zeros(n,1);
fold_changes = zeros(n,1);

Convert the structure ids into string lists.

target_str = num2str(target_ids,'%d,');
target_str = target_str(1:end-1);

contrast_str = num2str(contrast_ids,'%d,');
contrast_str = contrast_str(1:end-1);

Make the request and parse the results as JSON.

request = sprintf(requestFmt, service, target_str, contrast_str, n);
str = urlread(request);
json = parse_json(str);

Pull out the probe ids and fold_changes from the results.

for i=1:n
    ids(i) = json.msg{i}.id;
    fold_changes(i) = str2double(json.msg{i}.fold_change);

Compute the correlation between expression levels and spm voxels.

function correlations = correlate_to_spm(activation_file, mask_file, samples, explevels, MNI)

Load the activation and mask images.

spmhd = spm_vol(activation_file);
spmimg = spm_read_vols(spmhd);

maskhd = spm_vol(mask_file);
maskimg = spm_read_vols(maskhd);

spmMNI = spmhd.mat;

Concatenate the transform from MNI to SPM image onto original MNI transform. Now we can transform a T1 coordinate directly to an SPM voxel.

aibsToSPM = inv(spmMNI)*MNI;

coords = transform_samples(samples,aibsToSPM);
coords = int32(round(coords));

Find samples inside the mask and inside the image.

for i=1:size(coords,2)
    coord = coords(:,i);
    if ((sum(coord>0) ~= 3) || maskimg(coord(1),coord(2),coord(3)) == 0)
        coords(:,i) = -1;

Filter the exp levels and coordinates to only include the valid ones.

valid = sum(coords>0)==3;
explevels = explevels(valid,:);
coords = coords(:,valid);
nsamples = size(coords,2);

Compute the average spm value in a 3x3x3 neighborhood of each voxel.

kernel = ones(3,3,3)/27;
avgimg = convn(spmimg,kernel,'same');

Sample the average spm at the human microarray sample locations.

spmlevels = zeros(1,nsamples);
for i=1:nsamples
    coord = coords(:,i);
    spmlevels(i) = avgimg(coord(1),coord(2),coord(3));

Cross correlation between the expression and SPM vectors.

v = [spmlevels; explevels']';
covar = corrcoef(v);

Return the first row, which is the correlation coefficients between the SPM image samples and each of the probe expression vectors.

correlations = covar(1,2:end);