
Copyright 2013 Allen Institute for Brain Science Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

This page downloads the SVG file associated with a SectionImage and overlays them on top of image.

URLS pointing to the SVG and section image download API controllers.

var API_PATH = "";
var IMG_DOWNLOAD_PATH = API_PATH + "section_image_download/";
var STRUCTURES_URL = API_PATH + "data/Structure/query.json?criteria=[graph_id$eq1]&num_rows=all";

Default parameters for the demo. Change these via the URL string.

var SECTION_IMAGE_ID = 100960224;

var urlVars = getUrlVars();
if ('id' in urlVars)
if ('downsample' in urlVars)
  DOWNSAMPLE = urlVars.downsample;

A hash from structure id to structure meta info, which will be initialized later.

var _structures = {};

A helper function that makes a url out of a path, database id, and argument array.

function format_url(path, id, args) {
  return path + id + "?" + $.map(args, function(value, key) {
    return key + "=" + value;

Make an AJAX query to download all of the structures in the adult mouse structure graph.

function download_structures(on_success) {
  $.getJSON(STRUCTURES_URL, function(response) {
    for (var i = 0; i < response.msg.length; i++) {
      var s = response.msg[i];
      _structures[] = s;

Make an AJAX query to download the SVG for a section image.

function download_svg(url) {
  $("#svg").load(url, function() {

Retrieve all paths in the SVG and add a ‘title’ attribute. The ‘title’ attribute is displayed in the jQuery UI tooltip.

    $("path").each(function(i, path) {
      var s = _structures[$(this).attr('structure_id')];

        .attr('fill', '#' + s.color_hex_triplet)
          show: false,
          hide: false,
          track: true,

When hovering over a path, add the ‘hover’ class, which just makes the outline thicker.

      $(path).hover(function() {
      }, function() {

Make an AJAX query to download the section image and append it to the DOM.

function download_img(url) {
  var image = new Image;

  image.onload = function() {

  image.src = url;

Splits the URL parameter string into a JavaScript hash.

function getUrlVars()
  var vars = [], hash;
  var hashes = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&');
  for(var i = 0; i < hashes.length; i++)
    hash = hashes[i].split('=');
    vars[hash[0]] = hash[1];
  return vars;

When the page is read, download the structures. When that’s finished, download the SVG and image.

$(function() {
  $("#chart").css("background","no-repeat center url(\"../images/loading.gif\")");
  download_structures(function() {
    args = { downsample: DOWNSAMPLE };
    download_svg(format_url(SVG_DOWNLOAD_PATH, SECTION_IMAGE_ID, args));
    download_img(format_url(IMG_DOWNLOAD_PATH, SECTION_IMAGE_ID, args));