
Copyright 2013 Allen Institute for Brain Science Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

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A an example visualization of connectivity data using the d3 partition and bundle layouts.

Hard-coded links to the data files to be used in this visualization

var structuresFile = "all.structures.json";
var connFile = "all.connections.json";

if (!Modernizr.svg){
      .html("This demo requires SVG support. " +
          "Click <a href=''>here</a> " + 
          "to see which browsers support SVG."));
  throw 'SVG not supported';

Constants that control properties of the visualization:

  • w,h: width/height of the visualization in pixels
  • outerPct: percent of radial pixel width for the ontology visualization
  • colorRange: color range corresponding to corrDomain
  • opacityRange: opacity range corresponding to corrDomain
  • fadedOpacityRange: opacity range for non-highlighted lines
  • highlightOpacityRange: opacity range for highlighted lines
  • tensionRange: line tension range corresponding to the angular distance between structures in the ontology visualization. Nearby structures are less tense, so they don’t project as far into the visualization.
  • transitionTime: transition duration in milliseconds.
  • fastTransitionTime: transition duration for faster transitions.
  • rootStructureId: the database ID of the root of the mouse ontology.
var w = $("#chart").width();
var h = $("#chart").height();
var r = Math.min(w, h) / 2;
var outerPct = .30;
var colorRange = ["green","blue"];
var opacityRange = [.1,0.2];
var fadedOpacityRange = [0, .05];
var highlightOpacityRange = [.4,0.7];
var tensionRange = [0,.99];
var transitionTime = 1000;
var fastTransitionTime = 200;
var rootStructureId = 8;

Scales for interpolating a range of colors/angles/values/etc

  • x: interpolates unitless [0,1] to radians [0,2pi].
  • y: interpolate [0,1] to outside-in in the outer ring (ontology vis.).
  • iy: interpolate [0,1] to inside-out in the inner circle (link vis.).
  • distScale: convert [-1,1] x distances into non-negative distances.
  • connColorScale: correlation colors.
  • connOpacityScale: correlation opacities.
  • connFadedOpacityScale: correlation opacities, not highlighted.
  • connHighlightOpacityScale: correlation opacities, highlighted.
  • connTensionScale: node separation mapped to line tension.
var x = d3.scale.linear().range([0, 2 * Math.PI]);
var y = d3.scale.linear().range([r, r*(1.0 - outerPct)]);
var iy = d3.scale.linear().range([0, r*(1.0 - outerPct)]);
var distScale = d3.scale.linear().clamp(true)

var connColorScale = d3.scale.linear().clamp(true).range(colorRange);
var connOpacityScale = d3.scale.linear().clamp(true).range(opacityRange);
var connFadedOpacityScale = d3.scale.linear().clamp(true).range(fadedOpacityRange);
var connHighlightOpacityScale = d3.scale.linear().clamp(true).range(highlightOpacityRange);
var connTensionScale = d3.scale.sqrt().clamp(true).domain([0,.5]).range(tensionRange);

jQuery’d variables representing html buttons and labels.

var structureLabel = $("#structureLabel");
var volumeLabel = $("#volumeLabel");
var corrLabel = $("#corrLabel");
var connectionFromLabel = $("#connectionFromLabel");
var connectionToLabel = $("#connectionToLabel");
var scaleButtonContainer = $("#scaleButtons");

Fill the scaleButtonContainer with a set of radio buttons that control the size distribution of leaves in the ontology.

var scaleOptions = [{ name: 'volume', id: "#volumeButton", fn: volumeValue },
          { name: 'uniform', id: "#uniformButton", fn: uniformValue }];

$.each(scaleOptions, function(index, button) {
  var name =;



$("#homeButton").button({ icons: { primary: "ui-icon-home" }});

These are the functions used to scale the structure arcs.

function volumeValue(d) { return d.volume; }

function uniformValue(d) { return 1; }

Construct the basic chart element, append an svg element and transform it.

var vis ="#chart").append("svg:svg")
    .attr("width", w)
    .attr("height", h)
    .attr("transform", "translate(" + w / 2 + "," + h / 2 + ")");

Construct the d3 visualization algorithm objections. partition handles the ontology layout, bundle the hierarchical edge bundling line layout.

The partition layout builds a JS ontology representation, each element having x and dx properties in [0,1] that define the space the structure consumes in the layout. Each element also has y and dy properties in [0,1] that describe how high up the hierarchy they are. The arc method maps the “horizontal” properties to radians and the “vertical” properties to radial pixel length for the circular layout.

The bundle layout takes an array of structure-structure connections and interjects nodes corresponding to the nodes on the shortest path between the leaves in the hierarchy. connectionLine looks at given node and determines if the line should touch the ontology visualization (e.g. leaves) or be routed through virtual control points in the middle of the circle (e.g. parents).

var partition = d3.layout.partition()
    .sort(function(a,b) { return b.graph_order - a.graph_order; })

var bundle = d3.layout.bundle();

var arc = d3.svg.arc()
    .startAngle(function(d) { return Math.max(0, Math.min(2 * Math.PI, x(d.x))); })
    .endAngle(function(d) { return Math.max(0, Math.min(2 * Math.PI, x(d.x + d.dx))); })
    .innerRadius(function(d) { return Math.max(0, y(d.y)); })
    .outerRadius(function(d) { return Math.max(0, y(d.y + d.dy)); });

var connectionLine = d3.svg.line.radial()
  .radius(function(d) { return d.terminal ? 
              Math.max(0, y(d.node.y + d.node.dy)) :
              Math.max(0, iy(d.node.y + d.node.dy)); })

  .angle(function(d) { return Math.max(0, Math.min(2 * Math.PI, x(d.node.x + .5*d.node.dx))); });

initialize some globals that will be defined once the data is loaded.

var nodes = null;
var links = null;
var bundledLinks = null;
var connections = null;
var arcs = null;
var lines = null;

Load the data and lay out the SVG elements.

This is asynchronous, so the second argument to each d3.json call is a function that will be called once the data is loaded.

d3.json(structuresFile, function(structures) {

Build a hash from structure id to structure. Make parent-child relationships explicit.

  var structureHash = {};
  for (var i=0; i<structures.length; i++) {
    var s = structures[i];
    s.children = [];
    structureHash[] = s;

  for (var i = 0; i < structures.length; i++) {
    var s = structures[i];
    var numParents = s.structure_id_path.length - 1;
    if (numParents > 0) {
      var parentId = s.structure_id_path[numParents-1];

This is the root node of the ontology.

  var structureTree = structureHash[rootStructureId];

Read in the connection file.

  d3.json(connFile, function(connData) {

Transform the connections so that source and target actually point to structures rather than structure IDs.

    connections = {
      return {
        source: structureHash[c.source],
        target: structureHash[],
        corr: c.corr

Compute the minimum and maximum correlation values and update the scales accordingly.

      connections.reduce(function(r,c) { 
        return [Math.min(c.corr,r[0]), Math.max(c.corr,r[1])] 
      }, [10,-10]));

Filter out connections from child to parent or vice-versa.

    connections = connections.filter(function(c) {
      return !childOf(c.source, && !childOf(,c.source)

Supply the partition algorithm with the ontology, add an svg group to the chart to hold the structure arcs, and draw them.

    nodes = partition.nodes(structureTree);

Add a property to the connections — angular distance on the plot.

    for (var i=0; i<connections.length; i++) {
      var c = connections[i];
      var src = c.source;
      var trg =;

      c.dist = distScale((src.x+.5*src.dx) - (trg.x+.5*trg.dx));

Flatten the ontology into arrays separated by ontology depth, then
use this to pool connnections up the ontology. Finally layout the connections.



Register Click event handlers for buttons that determine if structure arcs are scaled uniformly or by their volume.

    $.each(scaleOptions, function(index, button) {
      $( {
          .style("fill", arcColor)
          .style("stroke", arcStroke)
          .style("stroke-width", arcStrokeWidth)

A function handler for interpolating between the scales. Currently not used.

function arcTween(d) {
  var xd = d3.interpolate(x.domain(), [d.x, d.x + d.dx]);
  return function(d, i) {
    return i ?
      function(t) { return arc(d); } :
        function(t) { x.domain(xd(t)); return arc(d); };

Add properties to an element that cache their current position and width.

function stash(d) {
  d.x0 = d.x;
  d.dx0 = d.dx;

Interpolate the arcs in data space.

function dataTween(d) {
  var i = d3.interpolate({x: d.x0, dx: d.dx0}, d);

  return function(t) {
    var b = i(t);
    d.x0 = b.x;
    d.dx0 = b.dx;

    return arc(b);

Methods for drawing lines

Draw the connection curves.

function redrawLines() {

If there are no bundled links yet, they need to be built.

  if (!bundledLinks) {
    bundledLinks = bundle(connections);

This is called a “data join.” Within the group ‘line’, path elements are joined to data supplied in the bundledLinks array. The data join returns all of the existing elements, for which update their layout. The opacity transition makes sure that any existing elements fade in smoothly.

    lines = vis.selectAll("g.line").selectAll("path")
      .attr("d", lineLayout)


The enter method is called when paths are first added, which is a good time to set their shape and color properties. The transition at the end ensures that they fade in smoothly.

      .attr("d", lineLayout)
      .style("opacity", 0)
      .style("stroke", lineColor)
      .style("stroke-width", 1)
      .on("mouseover", lineMouseOver)
      .on("mouseout", lineMouseOut)

The ‘exit’ method is called whenever data elements are removed (which happens when the number of nodes has changed). The transition fades them out before they actually get removed from the DOM.


  } else {

this is a transition. d3 makes this very easy, for CSS properties that are easy to interpolate, just supply the data, call for a transition, and tell it what property is changing.

      .attr("d", lineLayout)
      .style("stroke", lineColor)

This function takes a connection (d), which is an array of structure elements, and returns an svg path. The tension of that path is lower if the two structures are radially close to each other.

function lineLayout(d,i) {
  var c = connections[i];

  if ( ==
    return null;

  var tension = connTensionScale(c.dist);

  td = { return { node: di, terminal: di == c.source || di == }; });

  return connectionLine.tension(tension)(td);

Map a connection to a color

function lineColor(d,i) {
  return connColorScale(connections[i].corr);

Map a connection to an opacity

function lineOpacity(d,i) {
  return connOpacityScale(connections[i].corr);

Map a connection to an opacity, fade out elements that are not children of the supplied parent.

function lineStructureHighlightOpacity(d,parent,i) {
  if (childOf(d[0],parent) || childOf(d[d.length-1],parent))
    return connHighlightOpacityScale(connections[i].corr);
    return connFadedOpacityScale(connections[i].corr);

Determine if a function is a child of another node by moving up the ontology.

function childOf(node,parent) {
  while (node) {
    if ( ==
      return true;
    node = node.parent;
  return false;

Map a connection to an opacity, fade out lines that don’t start and end at the same location as the supplied line.

function lineHighlightOpacity(d,line,i) {
  if (d[0].id == line[0].id &&
    d[d.length-1].id == line[line.length-1].id) 
    return connHighlightOpacityScale(connections[i].corr);
    return connFadedOpacityScale(connections[i].corr);

Highlight a line as the user mouses over it.

function lineMouseOver(d,i) {

    .style("opacity", function(datum,i) { return lineHighlightOpacity(datum, d, i); });

Go back to regular opacity when not mousing over a line.

function lineMouseOut(d) {


Methods for drawing arcs

Remove all existing structure arcs and draw thm again.

function redrawArcs() {

lay out the structure arcs


  arcs = vis.selectAll("g.arc").selectAll("path")
    .attr("d", arc)
    .style("fill", arcColor)
    .style("stroke", arcStroke)
    .style("stroke-width", arcStrokeWidth)
    .on("mouseover", arcMouseOver)
    .on("mouseout", arcMouseOut)

Clear all highlight information when the mouse leaves an arc.

function arcMouseOut(d) {

  if (lines) {

When the mouse is over an arc, describe its corresponding structure and highlight all of the lines entering or leaving it and its children.

function arcMouseOver(d) { 

  if (lines) {
      .style("opacity",function(datum,i) { return lineStructureHighlightOpacity(datum, d,i); })

Map a structure to a color.

function arcColor(d) {
  if (d.depth > 0)
    return "#" + d.color_hex_triplet;
    return "#fff";

Map a sturcture to an opacity.

function arcOpacity(d) {
  return 1;

White outlines for the structure arcs.

function arcStroke(d) {
  return "#fff";

How wide of an outline to draw for each arc.

function arcStrokeWidth(d) {
  return "1px";

Update the domain of all of the interpolation scales.

function updateCorrelationDomain(corrDomain) {