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This script downloads adult mouse brain coronal gene expression data sets and estimates how similar brain structures are according to their expression profile.

import numpy
import json
import sys
import os
import urllib
import string

Global variables defining the path to the API and IDs of the ontology, structure graph, product, and plane of sectioning of interest. This script also provides the option of only estimating connections between a specific set of structures using the StructureSets table. Only the TOP_N most correlated connections will be kept, approximately.

PLANE_ID = 1 # coronal
TOP_N = 2000

DATA_SET_QUERY_URL = ("%s/SectionDataSet/query.json" +\
                          "?criteria=[failed$eq'false'][expression$eq'true']" +\
                          ",products[id$eq%d]" +\
                          ",plane_of_section[id$eq%d]") \
                          % (API_PATH, MOUSE_PRODUCT_ID, PLANE_ID)

UNIONIZE_FMT = "%s/StructureUnionize/query.json" +\
               "?criteria=[section_data_set_id$eq%d],structure[graph_id$eq1]" +\
               ("&include=section_data_set(products[id$in%d])" % (MOUSE_PRODUCT_ID)) +\

STRUCTURES_URL = ("%s/Structure/query.json?" +\
                      "criteria=[graph_id$eq%d]") \
                      % (API_PATH, GRAPH_ID)

Make a query to the API via a URL.

def QueryAPI(url):
    start_row = 0
    num_rows = 2000
    total_rows = -1
    rows = []
    done = False

The ontology has to be downloaded in pages, since the API will not return more than 2000 rows at once.

    while not done:
        pagedUrl = url + '&start_row=%d&num_rows=%d' % (start_row,num_rows)

        print pagedUrl
        source = urllib.urlopen(pagedUrl).read()

        response = json.loads(source)
        rows += response['msg']
        if total_rows < 0:
            total_rows = int(response['total_rows'])

        start_row += len(response['msg'])

        if start_row >= total_rows:
            done = True

    return rows

Download the first n data sets. For negative n , download them all.

def DownloadDataSets(n):
    dataSets = QueryAPI(DATA_SET_QUERY_URL)
    if n <= 0:
        return dataSets
        n = min(len(dataSets), n)

    return dataSets[:n]

Download the mouse brain structures in a structure graph.

def DownloadStructures():
    structs = QueryAPI(STRUCTURES_URL)

Build a dict from structure id to structure and identify each node’s direct descendants.

    structHash = {}
    for s in structs:
        s['num_children'] = 0
        s['structure_id_path'] = [int(sid) for sid in s['structure_id_path'].split('/') if sid != '']
        structHash[s['id']] = s 

    for sid,s in structHash.iteritems():
        if len(s['structure_id_path']) > 1:
            parentId = s['structure_id_path'][-2]
            structHash[parentId]['num_children'] += 1

pull out the structure ids for structures in this structure graph that have no children (i.e. just the leaves)

    corrStructIds = [sid for sid,s in structHash.iteritems() if s['num_children'] == 0]

    return sorted(corrStructIds), structHash

Download expression data from the StructureUnionize table. This table is accessed one probe/data set at a time, retrieving all of the expression levels for structures showing expression for that probe.

def DownloadExpression(dataSets):
    return [QueryAPI(UNIONIZE_FMT % (API_PATH,d['id'])) for d in dataSets]

Download all of the probes, structures, and expression data for the adult mouse brain and transform it into useful data structures. Then compute structure-to-structure expression correlation for all structures.

def DownloadAndCorrelateData(n):
    dataSets = DownloadDataSets(n)
    structureIds, structHash = DownloadStructures()
    unionizes = DownloadExpression(dataSets)

Each structure will have an expression vector. This vector will be as long as the number of requested structures.

    nstructs = len(structureIds)
    ndata = len(dataSets)

    sidHash = dict([(id,i) for (i,id) in enumerate(structureIds)])
    didHash = dict([(d['id'],i) for (i,d) in enumerate(dataSets)])
    expression = numpy.empty([nstructs,ndata])

For each data set’s set of unionizes, then for each individual structure, fill in the structure’s expression vector.

    for i,us in enumerate(unionizes):

for each unionize

        for j,u in enumerate(us):
            sid = u['structure_id']
            did = u['section_data_set_id']

            struct = structHash[sid]
            struct['volume'] = u['sum_pixels']

            if sidHash.has_key(sid) and didHash.has_key(did):
                expression[sidHash[sid]][didHash[did]] = u['expression_energy']

numpy has a masked_array data structure that performs computations while filtering out values you don’t care about. In this case, we don’t want the correlation computation to use NaN’s, which indicate that no expression was measured for a structure.

    mdat =,numpy.isnan(expression))
    corr =

    return, structureIds, structHash

Given a structures-by-probes correlation matrix and an array of structures, figure out which structures are the most correlated to each other. Return these as an array of {source,target,correlation} hashes.

def EstimateConnections(corr,structIds):

Identify a threshold that will pull out approximately TOP_N values. First, mask out NaNs and redundant lower diagonal elements, then sort the values into a 1D array without masked elements. The threshold will be picked as the value of the (length – TOP_N)‘th element.

    mcorr =,numpy.isnan(corr) | numpy.tril(numpy.ones(corr.shape,dtype=bool)))
    corrsort =,axis=None,endwith=False).compressed()

    ncorr = len(corrsort)
    idx = ncorr-TOP_N if ncorr > TOP_N else 0
    threshold = corrsort[idx]

    connections = []
    nstructs = len(structIds)
    for i in xrange(nstructs):
        for j in xrange(i+1,nstructs):
            c = corr[i][j]
            if c > threshold:
                connections.append({ 'source': structIds[i], 
                                     'target':  structIds[j], 
                                     'corr' : corr[i][j] })

    return connections

Handle command line arguments. Usage is: <prefix>.json <nprobes>

nargs = len(sys.argv)

fname = sys.argv[1] if nargs > 1 else "out.json"
n = int(sys.argv[2]) if nargs > 2 else 0

base,ext = os.path.splitext(fname)

structfile = base + ".structures" + ext
connfile = base + ".connections" + ext
corrfile = base + ".correlations" + ext

Download the data, compute the structure-structure correlation matrix, then identify the most correlated pairs of structures.

corr,structIds,structHash = DownloadAndCorrelateData(n)
conns = EstimateConnections(corr,structIds)

Write out the connections, structures, and correlation matrix as JSON.

f = open(connfile,"w")
f = open(structfile,"w")

f = open(corrfile,"w")
f.write(json.dumps(list([list(r) for r in corr])))