
Copyright 2013 Allen Institute for Brain Science Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

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This script primarily builds URLs to imageservice images and demonstrates how to use the image_to_image and image_to_atlas methods for retrieving the nearest image in one image to another image or atlas.

Contants that point to the imageservice and API, respectively.

var svcPath = "";
var apiPath = "";

Many scanned images have very large pixel resolutions. WWe have resampled the original images at multiple lower resolutions all the way down to a 256x256 thumbnail. The number of tiers in this image pyramid depends on the original dimensions of the image.

When making requests to the imageservice, the downsample parameter determines what tier/resolution will be returned. downsample=0 returns the highest pixel resolution. Each level of downsampling is a factor of 2 reduction in pixel resolution in both dimensions.

var W = 285;
var H = 285;

var ages = [ "E11.5", "E13.5", "E15.5", "E18.5", "P4", "P14", "P28", "P56" ];

var ADULT_MOUSE_IMAGE_TYPE = "Atlas - Adult Mouse";
var DEVELOPING_MOUSE_IMAGE_TYPE = "Atlas - Developing Mouse";
var atlasImageTypes = { 2: ADULT_MOUSE_IMAGE_TYPE, 181276165: DEVELOPING_MOUSE_IMAGE_TYPE };

Specify default image ids to show, and change them as requested in the url parameter string.

var SECTION = 101121829;
var PRODUCT = 3;

var urlVars = getUrlVars();
if ('sectionImageId' in urlVars)
  SECTION = urlVars.sectionImageId;

Build the jQuery reload button. When clicked, call reloadImages. Also, format the page a bit.

$("#homeButton").button({ icons: { primary: "ui-icon-home" }});

Load the images first time the page is loaded.


function reloadImages() {

Load the meta data for the section image in question.

  loadSectionInfo(SECTION, function(sectionInfo) {

The results come back as an array, even if there’s only one result.

    sectionInfo = sectionInfo[0];

Get the central coordinate of the image.

    var cx = Math.floor(sectionInfo.width*.5);
    var cy = Math.floor(sectionInfo.height*.5);

Figure out which gene (the first, if there are multiple) this section is displaying.

    var geneId = sectionInfo.data_set.genes[0].id;
    var geneName = sectionInfo.data_set.genes[0].acronym;

Download meta data for section data sets displaying this same gene in the developing mouse product, from a given list of developing mouse reference spaces.

    loadDataSets(geneId, ages, PRODUCT, function(dataSets) {

Put the source data set at the front of the queue.

      dataSets.sort(function(a,b) { 
        if ( == sectionInfo.data_set_id) return -1;
        else if ( == sectionInfo.data_set_id) return 1;
        else return 0;

      loadAtlases(ages, function(atlases) {

        var numRows = Math.max(dataSets.length, atlases.length);

Pre-populate the div table with elements to hold to-be-downloaded images. This prevents AJAX responses from populating the table in the wrong order.

        var imageTable = $("#imageTable");

                  .append($("<th>").append($('<div>').attr('id','imageTitle0').html('Source ' + geneName + ' Section'))

                  .append($("<th>").html("Synchronized " + geneName + " ISH Sections"))
                  .append($("<th>").html("Synchronized Atlases")));

        for (var i=0; i<numRows; i++) {

          if (i < dataSets.length)
            $('#image'+i).addClass('image loading');

          if (i < atlases.length)
            $('#atlas'+i).addClass('image loading');

Give the image divs a loading spinner.


Pull out a list of dataSetIds from the response meta data.

        var dataSetIds = $.map(dataSets, function(d) { return; });

Use the image_to_image service to find the nearest coordinate in the nearest section in each the data sets we downloaded.

        imageToImage(cx, cy,, dataSetIds, function(coords) {

Put failed synchronizations at the end of the list.

          coords.sort(function(a,b) { 
            var aId = a.image_sync.section_image_id;
            var bId = b.image_sync.section_image_id;
            if (aId && !bId) return -1;
            if (!aId && bId) return 1;
            else return 0;
          $.each(coords, function(i, targetCoord) {
            targetCoord = targetCoord.image_sync;

Make sure that synchronization succeeded before moving on.

            if (targetCoord.section_image_id) {

Load the meta data for this target section image.

              loadSectionInfo(targetCoord.section_image_id, function(targetSectionInfo) {

The results come back as an array, even if there’s only one result.

                targetSectionInfo = targetSectionInfo[0];

Estimate a good downsample value based on target pixel resolution.

                var targetDownsample = computeDownsample(sectionInfo.resolution, 
                var imgUrl = makeCenteredImageUrl(targetDownsample,
                                  targetSectionInfo.y + targetCoord.y, 
                                  targetSectionInfo.x + targetCoord.x,
                                  W, H);
                var imgDiv = $('#image'+i)
                  .css('background','no-repeat center url('+imgUrl+')')
                if ( == {
                  var title = "Source " + geneName + " Section " + 
                    "(" + + ")";
                } else {
            } else {

pull out a list of dataSetIds from the response meta data.

        var atlasIds = $.map(atlases, function(d) { return; });

        $.each(atlasIds, function(i, atlasId) {

Use the image_to_atlas service to find the nearest point on an atlas.

          imageToAtlas(cx, cy,, atlasId, function(atlasCoord) {
            atlasCoord = atlasCoord.image_sync;

Load the meta data for the atlas and build an image of it.

            loadAtlasImageInfo(atlasCoord.section_image_id, function(atlasImage) {

              atlasImage = atlasImage[0];

Estimate a good downsample value based on target pixel resolution.

              var targetDownsample = computeDownsample(sectionInfo.resolution, 

The adult mouse reference atlases refer to the unannotated NISSL images. The annotated sections are stored in alternate_images, so use that if it exists. Other atlases are stored only as annotated sections.

              var atlasImagePath = "";
              for (var j = 0 ; j < atlasImage.alternate_images.length; j++) {
                var alt = atlasImage.alternate_images[j];

The P56 time point has two different ontologies annotated on the same image data. The atlasImageTypes variable helps figure out which alternate image to use when both alternate images exist. Prefer the developing mouse alternate image otherwise.

                if ((atlasId in atlasImageTypes && alt.image_type == atlasImageTypes[atlasId]) ||
                  (alt.image_type == DEVELOPING_MOUSE_IMAGE_TYPE && atlasImagePath == "") ||
                  (alt.image_type == ADULT_MOUSE_IMAGE_TYPE  && atlasImagePath == "")) {
                  atlasImagePath = alt.path;
              if (atlasImagePath == "") 
                atlasImagePath = atlasImage.path;

              var atlasUrl = makeCenteredImageUrl(targetDownsample, 
                                atlasImage.y + atlasCoord.y, 
                                atlasImage.x + atlasCoord.x, 
                                W, H);

                .css('background','no-repeat center url("'+atlasUrl+'")')


Find the pixel and section index in one SectionDataSet corresponding to a pixel location in a section image.

function imageToImage(x, y, fromSectionImageId, toSectionDataSetId, onsuccess) {
  if (toSectionDataSetId.length > 0)
    toSectionDataSetId = toSectionDataSetId.join(',');

    var url = apiPath + 'image_to_image/' + fromSectionImageId + '.json' +
    '?x=' + x +
    '&y=' + y + 
    '&section_data_set_ids=' + toSectionDataSetId;

  apiQuery(url, onsuccess);

Load the meta data for a atlas image based on its SectionDataSetId.

function loadAtlasImageInfo(sectionId, onsuccess) {
  var url = apiPath + 'data/AtlasImage/'+sectionId+'.json' + 
  apiQuery(url, onsuccess);

Find the pixel and section index in an atlas corresponding to a pixel location in a section image.

function imageToAtlas(x, y, sectionImageId, atlasId, onsuccess) {

    var url = apiPath + 'image_to_atlas/' + sectionImageId + '.json' +
    '?x=' + x +
    '&y=' + y + 
    '&atlas_id=' + atlasId;

    apiQuery(url, onsuccess);

Helper function to build imageservice urls. For this type of query, you supply the upper left pixel index in full resolution image coordinates and width and height in the coordinates at your desired downsampled tier.

function makeImageUrl(downsample, path, top, left, width, height) {
    return svcPath + '?' + 
    'downsample=' + downsample +
    '&path=' + path + 
    '&top=' + top +
    '&left=' + left +
    "&width=" + width + 
    "&height=" + height;

This method wraps makeImageUrl to simplify drawing an image at given size that is centered around a single pixel in full-resolution image coordinates. The coordinate, width, and height of the image must be used to calculate the position of the upper-left pixel of the image in full resolution coordinates.

function makeCenteredImageUrl(downsample, path, cy, cx, width, height) {
  var scale = Math.pow(2,downsample); 
  var left = cx - width * 0.5 * scale;
  var top = cy - height * 0.5 * scale;

  return makeImageUrl(downsample, path, top, left, width, height);

This function splits the URL parameter string into a javascript hash.

function getUrlVars()
    var vars = [], hash;
    var hashes = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&');
    for(var i = 0; i < hashes.length; i++)
    hash = hashes[i].split('=');
    vars[hash[0]] = hash[1];
  return vars;

function loadDataSets(gene, age_names, product, onsuccess) {
  var url = apiPath + 
    "data/SectionDataSet/query.json" +
    "?criteria=[failed$eqfalse]" +
    "&include=genes[id$eq" + gene + "]" +
    ",products[id$eq" + product + "]" +
    ",specimen(donor(age[name$in'" + age_names.join("','") + "']))" +

  apiQuery(url, onsuccess);

function loadAtlases(age_names, onsuccess) {
  var ageStr = "'" + age_names.join("','") + "'";
  var url = apiPath + 
    "data/Atlas/query.json?include=reference_space(age[name$in"+ageStr+"])" + 
    "&criteria=[structure_graph_id$nenull]" +
  apiQuery(url, onsuccess);

function loadSectionInfo(id,onsuccess) {
    var url = apiPath + 'data/SectionImage/'+id+'.json?include=data_set(genes,reference_space(age))';
  apiQuery(url, onsuccess);

function loadReferenceSpaceInfo(ids, onsuccess) {
  var url = apiPath + "data/ReferenceSpace/query.json?" +
    "criteria=[id$in" + ids.join(',') + "]&" +
    "include=age&" +
  apiQuery(url, onsuccess);

function initializeImageDiv(div, downsample, sectionInfo, sectionCoord, w, h) {
  var imgUrl = makeCenteredImageUrl(downsample,
                    sectionInfo.y + sectionCoord.y, 
                    sectionInfo.x + sectionCoord.x,
                    w, h);
  div.css('background','no-repeat center url('+imgUrl+')');

Make a simple apiQuery, no handling of pages.

function apiQuery(url, onsuccess) {
  $.ajax(url, { 
    dataType: 'json', 
    success: function(response) { 

      if (response.success)
        apiError(response.msg, url);
    error: function(response) { 
      apiError(response.statusText, url); 

A simple catch-all error reporting function.

function apiError(response, url) {
  var errorHtml = 
    "<p>There was an error with the following query:</p>" + 
    "<p>" + url + "</p>" + 
    "<p>Error message:</p>" + 
    "<p>" + response + "</p>";
  var dialog = $( "#errorDialog" );

  var existingErrors = dialog.html();

  $( "#errorDialog" )
    .html(existingErrors + errorHtml)
      width: 500,
      height: 200,
      modal: true

Sections have pixel resolution (in microns). The source section was downsampled by the value of the DOWNSAMPLE variable, but we may need to use a different value for the target if it has a different pixel resolution.

function computeDownsample(sourceResolution, targetResolution, sourceDownsample) {
  var r = sourceResolution / targetResolution;
  return Math.round( sourceDownsample + (Math.log(r)/Math.log(2)) );