
Copyright 2013 Allen Institute for Brain Science Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

var apiPath = "";

This uses the Modernizr JS library to check to see if the page supports SVG. If it does not, throw an error.

if (!Modernizr.svg){
      .html("This demo requires SVG support. " +
          "Click <a href=''>here</a> " + 
          "to see which browsers support SVG."));
  throw 'SVG not supported';

A convenience map that associates a developmental stage with its age-matched reference atlas data set ID.

var ageDataSetMap = {
  "E11.5": 100054043,
  "E13.5": 100054042,
  "E15.5": 100054041 

Set the default data set ID, but override it if one exists in the URL.

var dataSetId = 100045975;
var graphId = 17;

var urlVars = getUrlVars();
if ('dataSetId' in urlVars)
  dataSetId = urlVars['dataSetId'];

D3 is a javascript library that takes care of a lot of details useful for visualization. In this case, it’s being used for transforming data values and categories into colors.

var energyDomain = [0,1.5];
var energyScale = d3.scale.linear()

var intensityScale = d3.scale.ordinal()
  .domain(["Undetected","Low","Medium","High","Cannot Annotate"])

var densityScale = d3.scale.ordinal()
  .domain(["Undetected","Low","Medium","High","Cannot Annotate"])

var patternScale = d3.scale.ordinal()
  .domain(["Undetected","Regional","Gradient","Full","Cannot Annotate"])

Build the home button and slider that controls the expression energy colors.

$("#homeButton").button({ icons: { primary: "ui-icon-home" }});
  range: true,
  min: 0,
  max: 12,
  values: energyDomain,
  step: 0.1,
  slide: function(event, ui) {
    if (ui.values[1] > ui.values[0]) {

The developing mouse ISH data and manual annotation data have different ontologies, so they have diagrams with different structure names.

var svgFile = "Level_5_diagram.svg";

var unionizes = [];

Update the title of the page to reflect the gene and stage it depicts. Also provide a link to a side-by-side view of the reference space for this stage and the data set being visualized.

downloadDataSetInfo(dataSetId, function(dataSets) {
  var dataSet = dataSets[0];
  var age =;
  var gene = dataSet.genes[0];
  var refId = ageDataSetMap[age];
  var href = ""+refId+","+dataSetId;	

             .html("Expression for <a href='"+href+"'>" + gene.acronym + " (" + age + ")</a>"));

Load the SVG file for the developing mouse ISH data.

$.ajax(svgFile, { success: function(res, status, xhr) { 

Embed the SVG into the structure and energy visualizations. The strange or statement below makes this work in IE9.

  $("#energySvg").append(res.xml || xhr.responseText);

The SVGs have colors, but they do not match the current reference atlas colors. We’ll pull these out of the API shortly, but until then fill with a default.

  $("#energySvg #polygons path").css('fill','lightgreen');

Figure out which acronyms are represented in the structure SVG.

  var acronymList = extractAcronyms("energySvg");

Download the entries of the StructureUnionize table for structures in the acronym list.

  downloadUnionizes(acronymList, dataSetId, function(rows) {

Update the global list of unionize rows and redraw energy diagram.

    unionizes = rows;

Download the SVG file for the manual annotation data.

$.ajax(svgFile, { success: function(res, status, xhr) { 

Embed the SVG into the intensity, density, and pattern visualizations. The strange or statement below makes this work in IE9.

  $("#structureSvg").append(res.xml || xhr.responseText);
  $("#intensitySvg").append(res.xml || xhr.responseText);
  $("#densitySvg").append(res.xml || xhr.responseText);
  $("#patternSvg").append(res.xml || xhr.responseText);

The SVGs have colors, but we’re going to overwrite them with annotation colors shortly. Until then fill with a default.

  $("#structureSvg #polygons path").css('fill','white');;
  $("#intensitySvg #polygons path").css('fill','lightgreen');
  $("#densitySvg #polygons path").css('fill','lightgreen');
  $("#patternSvg #polygons path").css('fill','lightgreen');

Figure out which acronyms are represented in the intensity SVG.

  var acronymList = extractAcronyms("structureSvg");

Download the annotation data for structures in the acronym list.

  downloadAnnotations(acronymList, dataSetId, function(annotations) {

    $.each(annotations, function(i, annotation) {

Set the intensity color for this structure.

      var path = selectPath('intensitySvg', annotation.structure.acronym);
      path.css('fill', intensityScale(annotation.intensity_call));

Set the density color for this structure.

      path = selectPath('densitySvg', annotation.structure.acronym);
      path.css('fill', densityScale(annotation.density_call));

Set the pattern color for this structure.

      path = selectPath('patternSvg', annotation.structure.acronym);
      path.css('fill', patternScale(annotation.pattern_call));

Download all of the developing mouse structure meta data for structures in the acronym list.

  downloadStructures(acronymList, function(structures) {

For each structure, identify the corresponding SVG path(s) and set the background fill color.

    $.each(structures, function(i, structure) {
      var path = selectPath("structureSvg", structure.acronym);

The manual annotation diagrams all have legends with the same format. Build a list of them then construct the legends.

  var legends = [ { container: $("#densityLegend"), scale: densityScale },
          { container: $("#intensityLegend"), scale: intensityScale },
          { container: $("#patternLegend"), scale: patternScale } ];

  $.each(legends, function(i, legend) {
    $.each(legend.scale.domain(), function(j, call) {

Add an empty colored box with an adjacent text description.

            .css('background', legend.scale(call))

For every row in the global unionize row list, update the corresponding structure in the energy SVG.

function updateEnergy() {
  $.each(unionizes, function(i,unionize) {
    var path = selectPath('energySvg', unionize.structure.acronym);
    path.css('fill', energyScale(unionize.expression_energy));

Find the SVG path element whose ID is a particular structure acronym. Occasionally a structure must be split into two polygons even though path IDs must be unique, so a suffix is appended onto the end of the ID. The suffix has the format “acronym1”, so we have to a slightly complicated select that ignores the suffix when doing the search.

function selectPath(svgId, acronym) {
  return $('#' + svgId + " path").filter(function() {
    return acronym ==*/,"");

Build an array of structure acronyms found within the structure polygons in a single SVG.

function extractAcronyms(svgId) {
  acronymList = [];
  $("#"+svgId+" #polygons path").each(function(i,path) { 
  return acronymList;

Download entries of the Structure table with a given set of acronyms.

function downloadStructures(acronyms, onsuccess) {
  var acronymList = "'" + acronyms.join("','") + "'";

  var queryPath = "data/Structure/query.json" +
    "?criteria=[acronym$in" + acronymList + "][graph_id$eq"+graphId+"]";

  apiQuery(queryPath, onsuccess);

Download entries in the StructureUnionize table with a given set of acronyms.

function downloadUnionizes(acronyms, dataSetId, onsuccess) {
  var acronymList = "'" + acronyms.join("','") + "'";

  var queryPath = "data/StructureUnionize/query.json" +
    "?include=structure[acronym$in" + acronymList + "][graph_id$eq"+graphId+"]" +
    "&criteria=[section_data_set_id$eq" + dataSetId + "]";

  apiQuery(queryPath, onsuccess);

Download meta information for a data set.

function downloadDataSetInfo(dataSetId, onsuccess) {
  var queryPath = "data/SectionDataSet/" + dataSetId + ".json" +

  apiQuery(queryPath, onsuccess);

Download entries in the ManualAnnotation table with a given set of acronyms.

function downloadAnnotations(acronyms, dataSetId, onsuccess) {
  var acronymList = "'" + acronyms.join("','") + "'";

  var queryPath = "data/ManualAnnotation/query.json?" +
    "criteria=[intensity_call$ne'']," +
    "[section_data_set_id$eq" + dataSetId + "]&" +
    "include=structure[acronym$in" + acronymList + "]";

  apiQuery(queryPath, onsuccess);

Make an API query. You can’t actually request all result rows of a query at one time. This function takes care of appending all of the pages of results together.

function apiQuery(path, onsuccess) {
  var rows = [];
  var num_rows = 2000;
  var total_rows = -1;


Make the actual query. Keep downloading more rows until they have all been retrieved. All API queries return the total number of rows in the request, so we have to make a request before we can find out how many rows will be in it.

  function apiPageQuery() {
    var url = apiPath + path + 
      "&start_row=" + rows.length +
      "&num_rows=" + num_rows;

    $.ajax(url, {
      crossDomain: true,
      success: function(response) {

On Chrome, the response is already a javascript object. On IE/Firefox, it comes back as a string.

        if (typeof(response) == "string") 
          response = JSON.parse(response);						

        if (response.success) {
          rows.push.apply(rows, response.msg);
          total_rows = parseInt(response.total_rows);
          if (total_rows < 0 || isNaN(total_rows)) {
            apiError("total_rows incorrect", url);
          } else if (rows.length >= total_rows) {
          } else {
        } else {
          apiError(response.msg, url);
      error: function(response) {
        apiError(response.statusText, url);

If something goes wrong, alert the user.

  function apiError(response, url) {

    var errorHtml = 
      "<p>There was an error with the following query:</p>" + 
      "<p>" + url + "</p>" + 
      "<p>Error message:</p>" + 
      "<p>" + response + "</p>";
    var dialog = $( "#errorDialog" );
    var existingErrors = dialog.html();
    $( "#errorDialog" )
      .html(existingErrors + errorHtml)
        width: 500,
        height: 200,
        modal: true

This function splits the URL parameter string into a javascript hash.

function getUrlVars()
  var vars = [], hash;
  var hashes = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&');
  for(var i = 0; i < hashes.length; i++)
    hash = hashes[i].split('=');
    vars[hash[0]] = hash[1];
  return vars;