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This demonstrates how to load two raw expression energy volumes and their corresponding reference volume and compute the fold change between the volumes on a per-structure basis.

import array
import argparse
import copy
import csv
import json
import struct
import sys
import urllib
import zipfile

These are hard-coded paths to URLs for downloading expression volumes.

API_DATA_PATH = API_SERVER + "api/v2/data/"


STRUCTURES_URL = ("%sStructure/query.json?" +\
                      "criteria=[graph_id$eq%d]") \
                      % (API_DATA_PATH, STRUCTURE_GRAPH_ID)

REFERENCE_SPACE_URL = ("%sReferenceSpace/query.json?criteria=[id$eq%d]" + \
                          "&include=well_known_files[path$li'*']" ) \
                          % (API_DATA_PATH, REFERENCE_SPACE_ID)

GRID_FMT = API_SERVER + "grid_data/download/%d"

    "sourceId": 69855739,
    "targetId": 70813257,
    "csv": "foldchange.csv"

Download a grid file from the URL above by substituting in the data set id argument. Grid files are .zip files that will be downloaded to a temporary location, where it can be unzipped into memory using the zipfile module. The raw volume is converted into a flat array of floats.

def DownloadGridFile(dataSetId):
    url = GRID_FMT % (dataSetId)
    fh = urllib.urlretrieve(url)

    zf = zipfile.ZipFile(fh[0])

    header ='energy.mhd')
    raw ='energy.raw')
    arr = array.array('f',raw)

    return (header,arr)

Make a query to the API via a URL.

def QueryAPI(url):
    start_row = 0
    num_rows = 2000
    total_rows = -1
    rows = []
    done = False

the ontology has to be downloaded in pages, since the API will not return more than 2000 rows at once.

    while not done:
        pagedUrl = url + '&start_row=%d&num_rows=%d' % (start_row,num_rows)

        print pagedUrl
        source = urllib.urlopen(pagedUrl).read()
        response = json.loads(source)
        rows += response['msg']
        if total_rows < 0:
            total_rows = int(response['total_rows'])

        start_row += len(response['msg'])

        if start_row >= total_rows:
            done = True

    return rows

Download reference space meta information from the API. Specifically, this is looking for the download link to the zip file containing an annotation volume at the same resolution as the grid files. Then, download the link, unzip the archive, and return the raw grid annotation volume as an array of unsigned shorts (type H).

def DownloadAnnotationVolume():
    refspace = QueryAPI(REFERENCE_SPACE_URL)[0]
    reffile = refspace['well_known_files'][0]

    fh = urllib.urlretrieve(API_SERVER + reffile["download_link"])
    zf = zipfile.ZipFile(fh[0])

    raw ='gridAnnotation.raw')
    arr = array.array('H',raw)

    return arr

Download the ontology from the API. This is a flat list of structures. We also download a list of parent-child relationships from the StructureGraph model and use those to build a navigable tree hash.

def DownloadOntology():
    structures = QueryAPI(STRUCTURES_URL)

Build a hash from structure id to structure.

    structureHash = {}
    for i in xrange(len(structures)):
        s = structures[i]
        s['structure_id_path'] = map(int, s['structure_id_path'].strip('/').split('/'))
        s['parent'] = None
        s['sum1'] = 0.0
        s['volume1'] = 0
        s['sum2'] = 0.0
        s['volume2'] = 0

        structureHash[s['id']] = s

Make it a bit clearer who the parent of this structure is.

    for sid,s in structureHash.iteritems():
        if len(s['structure_id_path']) > 1:
            s['parent'] = structureHash[s['structure_id_path'][-2]]

    return structureHash

Iterate through the voxels and sum up the expression values for each structure. This is performed recursively up the ontology in what we usually call unionization.

def UnionizeStructures(arr1,arr2,annot,structures):
    nvoxels = len(arr1)
    for i in xrange(nvoxels):
        structureId = annot[i]

            node = structures[structureId]
            while node:
                if arr1[i] != -1.0:
                    node['sum1'] += arr1[i]
                    node['volume1'] += 1
                if arr2[i] != -1.0:
                    node['sum2'] += arr2[i]
                    node['volume2'] += 1
                node = node['parent']
        except KeyError:

Compute fold change, which is defined as the ratio of the mean expression of two genes within a structure.

def ComputeFoldChange(structures):
    for k,v in structures.iteritems():
        mean1 = (v['sum1'] / v['volume1']) if (v['volume1'] > 0) else 0.0
        mean2 = (v['sum2'] / v['volume2']) if (v['volume2'] > 0) else 0.0
        v['fold_change'] = (mean1/mean2) if (mean2 > 0) else float("inf")

def main():

Parse command line arguments. If no arguments are supplied, some defaults are used just for demonstration. The formatter_class is just there so that default values are printed in the usage statement.

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Compute fold change",
    parser.add_argument('--sourceId','-s', type=int, default=DEFAULTS['sourceId'], help='source data set id')
    parser.add_argument('--targetId','-t', type=int, default=DEFAULTS['targetId'], help='target data set id')
    parser.add_argument('--csv','-c', type=str, default=DEFAULTS['csv'], help='output CSV file name')
    args = parser.parse_args()

Download the ontology, grid files for the two expression volumes, and the annotation volume.

    structures = DownloadOntology()
    h1, arr1 = DownloadGridFile(args.sourceId)
    h2, arr2 = DownloadGridFile(args.targetId)
    annot = DownloadAnnotationVolume()

Unionize the structures based on the ontology and compute the fold change between voxels in the source volume and voxels in the target volume.


Write the fold changes out to the CSV file.

    with open(args.csv, 'wb') as f:
        writer = csv.writer(f)
        for k,v in structures.iteritems():

if __name__ == "__main__":